Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Mattson Ranch starts with the seed

Mattson Ranch does more than plant a seed!! On the Mattson Ranch there are very few employees but a lot of harvest.

This ranch is specifically known for growing, harvesting and cleaning all of their own certified seed wheat and seed millet.

The owner of the Mattson ranch is Herbert Mattson, of Kansas and the manager is Albert Kranz, of Pine Bluffs.

Herb Mattson took over after his father passed. He started looking for help running the ranch, when he met Kranz during a corn harvest. They were sitting around a table with a group of people helping during harvest when Mattson ask Kranz if he would like to run the ranch. "I told him, I can sure try!" mentioned Kranz during the interview. It has been about 12 years since Kranz took over the Ranch.

Mattson Ranch has sister farms and ranches locally in Pine Bluffs but also all the way in Kansas where Mattson lives.

In Pine Bluffs the ranch can produce approximately 220 bushels an hour. Not only do they clean and care for their own certified seed but they will also do custom cleaning for other people as well. Along with the certified seed, Mattson Ranch is also proud to mention the fact that they are a certified organic cleaner. But not only do they grow and clean wheat and millet they also work with barely oats and also corn.

There are many complex cleaning techniques to clean certified seed. The seed will go through 3 cleaning processes before it is bagged and ready to be sold. At the end of the season the Mattson Ranch sells roughly 200 thousand bushels of certified organic seed which includes wheat, corn, oats, barley and millet.

Mattson Ranch/Farms is known for having the best quality of certified seed wheat in the country


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