Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Water project requires shut offs

The town of Pine Bluffs is currently replacing old water mains in the town. The project will continue until sometime in October at which time it will shut down for the winter.

During this construction, there will be times when the water will have to be scheduled to be shut down town wide in order to make the connections. These scheduled shut offs will be announced via our CODE RED System at least a day in advance. The system sends out a call to all land lines in Town advising them of the shut off. It also goes out to all cell phones that have registered for the service.

We have received various calls stating that they did not receive an alert on their land lines. We are working on the problem and hope to have it resolved soon. If you have an unpublished number or an 800 area code block, you will not receive the calls. If you do not get a call on your land line, please call Town Hall at 307-245-3746 and let us know.

The CODE RED service is FREE of charge. You can access it through our website and sign up to have your cell phone alerted as well. If you do not have a computer, you can come to town hall and we will register you. We encourage everyone in town to register their phone.

Notices are posted on our website every Monday to update the residents on the project progress. In addition, affected properties get a notice posted on the door letting them know what is coming. We are doing all we can to keep everyone informed but understand that emergencies do happen such as water main breaks or sudden power outages and we cannot always alert you ahead of time. In those cases a CODE RED is issued so you really should register your phones.

NOTICE: On Saturday, April 13, from 6 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. we will be shutting down the entire town’s water to install valves that will help us better isolate water shut offs in the future and minimize the impact they cause to our residents and businesses. MAKE SURE THAT YOU BLEED YOUR LINES WHEN WATER COMES BACK ON.

We are sorry for the inconvenience as we better our services to our residents and businesses. If you have questions, call Town Hall or email Caryn Miller at cmiller@rtconnect.


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