Serving all of Eastern Laramie County since 1908

Articles written by Barb Cross

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  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jul 13, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, friends both near and far. With all of this hot weather we have been having, cool calm mornings are sure nice, don’t you agree? One night this past week it was still 77 at nine p.m. so I have been enjoying the early morning more than usual. The wheat harvest is well on it’s way and the current weather conditions are great for that. I sure hope everyone gets finished before any hail hits us and that all keep safe and accident free. Local areas have seen two tragic acc...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jul 6, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far! What a warm, wonderful weekend we have just had. Last week I wished you all a great 4th of July and today I will repeat that with thoughts of all of the celebrations that will soon be memories. With the holiday being on a Tuesday this year many folks had an extra long ‘weekend‘. The local area lakes were packed with tents and campers, jet skis and boats. Kids, hotdogs, and sand buckets were loaded and unloaded. Even with sunscreen some of tho...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jun 29, 2017

    Good morning! I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather, if not a little on the hot side sometimes. I surely would rather hear complaints about the heat instead of complaints about the cold! Can you believe that it is July already? Too darn hot to be working outside unless you can get out there early in the morning. I need to clean out two chicken houses. So far the weather and my time have not cooperated. I suppose that most of you have made some sort of plan for the 4th of July...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jun 22, 2017

    Well good morning Harrisburg, friends and family near and far. At this time last week it was beautiful looking out of my window, over the hills and through my travels on country roads throughout Banner County. It stayed that way until early evening when the dark blackish purple clouds moved in and most of us had our ears tuned in to the radio, weather alert stations and our eyes trained skyward. When the sirens went off we ourselves headed to the basement and stayed there for close to two hours....

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jun 15, 2017

    What a nice change in the weather we woke up to this past Monday. Much, much cooler, and at this point I do not know what the week will bring. Did you make it to Historical Day? I was around very little as I had so much else going on, but I think it was a verily good turn out. I spoke to one friend that attended the class reunion dinner the evening before and they had quite a crowd, which is great to hear. I had a couple of grands so they kept me and our house busy, which we thoroughly enjoyed....

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jun 8, 2017

    Good morning Banner County friends near and far! It is beautiful here right now and both man and beast seem to be joying the fair weather. Last week the summer vacation Bible school finished up with about 18 kids attending. That is a pretty good turn out and a nice start to their summer vacation. Last weekend the Sugar Valley Rally took another spin around the country and cars were seen up and down highway 71 on both Friday and Saturday, and right here in town on Saturday. All of those vehicles...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jun 1, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, friends and neighbors near and far. Beautiful weather inter-mixed with lots of rain and hail, big hail south of here. We celebrated an anniversary this past week and our family headed south to supper. The hail on Hwy 71 had one lane closed and it looked like snow on the fields east & west for about a mile strip. We must have been behind it by a short time, and we were so glad of that. When we came home a couple of hours later it was in drenching rain and with scary...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|May 25, 2017

    Good morning! Hopefully this week will bring us more sunshine and less rain, at least long enough for the fields and our yards to dry up some what. I should not even mention the roads, several of which are dangerous to even be on. Others are in great shape, but if you have no choice but to travel on the bad ones, well there you are. It is bright and beautiful this morning and very, very green! Well there is still about a week of school left for many schools in the area, but we here at Banner...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|May 18, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, friends near and far! Little change in the weather this past week. We keep trying to get caught up and will here one of these days. The rain has been nice, but the chance of snow in some places is to close for comfort. There sure has been a lot of hail too and it seems a little early for that. Well this past weekend Banner County School held 8th grade graduation on Friday evening. It was nice, but hard to believe these students will be roaming the high school hall...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|May 11, 2017

    Good morning Banner County friends and neighbors. Well this week has been pretty nice here in Nebraska. The older I get the more I appreciate our weather even when it is bad. I look around the country and it seems like so many states and the folks who live there have more to deal with than we do. It often seems like our months are in the wrong season, but we don’t deal with floods, tons of snow and huge tornadoes. I talked with son who lives in Nevada this past weekend and while it was in the m...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|May 4, 2017

    Good morning Banner County! Well after a few days of ole man winter this past week, it is looking pretty good out there right now. The track meet scheduled for last Saturday was re-scheduled for this Monday, due to the weather of course and my tulips survived as far as I can tell. So for the students this week let us hope the weather stays nice because they are busy as usual beginning with their annual clean-up day on Wednesday, May 3rd. Beware of the younger ones out and about here in town....

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Apr 27, 2017

    Good morning! Cool, cloudy spring weather greets us most mornings this week as April comes to a close. I do not know about you but I am finding it hard to believe that we are in the month of May already. If I could only make the next three months last for twice their time, things would be great! Hold off the holidays and bad weather. As it is this week brings us yet closer to the end of the school term with the annual FFA Banquet which is this evening at 6 p.m. Saturday, both the junior high and...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Apr 20, 2017

    Good morning Banner County! Wow what a beautiful place we live in right now. Everything is green and bright blue, little rain and hail when we least expect it. Baby calves all over the county side too. I have been watching a herd of deer out west, close to twenty of them and quite a few antelope. Our local mail carrier on the north side of the county caught big horn sheep one day last week. Great time of the year for sure. Our kids enjoyed a four day weekend to celebrate Easter last week and...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Apr 13, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far! Beautiful weather we have been having lately, although some rain would be nice. School was released at the regular time on Thursday, (today) and will not resume until Tuesday, April 18th. The following day, April 19th the junior high track team will travel to Chappell for competition which will begin at 9 a.m. Safe travel and good luck. The recent MAC competition for Choir and Band resulted in 3rd place ratings for both sections and individual...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Apr 6, 2017

    Good morning! Here is hoping that you all are having a great week. The rain is wonderful isn’t it? Roads are pretty testy but still the rain is nice. Things are starting to look pretty good, nice and green. I look out one window and I see mud holes and I look out the other and I see tulips. Those tulips are sure nice! Well here it is April. April Fools Day was on us as far as the weather, right? The boy at our house decided to be cute and pull apart a couple of oreos, scrape out the center a...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 30, 2017

    Good morning! A beautiful spring day here in Harrisburg, hope it is still so by the time this letter reaches you. The Harrisburg Community Church will hold their annual spring clean-up this coming Saturday, April 1st beginning at 8 a.m. so we are hoping that the weather will cooperate on that date also! This past weekend was another busy one for us and probably for most of you also. I see spring flowers popping their heads up here and there. Speaking of spring.......the Midwest Theater in...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 23, 2017

    Hello and good morning Banner County and to friends near and far. I am happy to say that officially spring has arrived. The calendar says so! It has felt like spring here off and on for a month or so and with the seed catalogs hitting our mail boxes right after Christmas most of us are more than ready for warmer weather. Many people, like myself are a little skeptical because it sure is not unusual for us to have a spring blizzard....oxymoron right there. It is so horribly dry that rain would be...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 16, 2017

    Good morning Banner County and all of you that are friends and neighbors! Monday was cloudy with no chance of meatballs, and it sure has been spring type weather. Much better than places back east. Students at Banner County School will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. for parent/teacher conferences and there will be no school Friday, March17. Seems like this happens around St. Paddy’s Day, so no worries about getting pinched at school! Last Thursday the first of what was supposed to be at least two c...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 9, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, friends and family. This past week was beautiful and we sure enjoyed some nice spring weather. Then Monday came with those terrible high winds and clouds. I don’t know anyone who likes the wind. With my opinion about that, on with the news, Banner County folks especially those who either do, or will be attending school here in Harrisburg, and all of you who choice your children into the Banner County School system are encouraged to attend the special Banner County S...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Mar 2, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors and friends! We here in the Burg received a gift of several inches of snow beginning last Thursday and continuing into the weekend. Over a foot in most places with very little visibility and an ice coat underneath it all. School was closed both Thursday and Friday and so was just about everything else on Thursday. The high school winter dance has been postponed and I do not have a date for that, but kids will know for sure. The 4-H beef weigh-in’s were a...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Feb 23, 2017

    Good morning everyone, I hope this week has been treating you well. Valentine’s Day has come and gone and our next holiday will be St. Patrick’s Day. I just want to say that I was wrong about the Valentine’s Day movie that played in Kimball at the Goodhand Theater. That actually was the name of the movie. As far as other days that are officially recognized, Ground Hog’s Day doesn’t mean too much to me. Shoot he could come out in one part of the county and see his shadow, and come out at the sa...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Feb 16, 2017

    Good morning Banner County, neighbors near and far. What beautiful spring weather we have been having here of late. I know that mother nature likes to confuse the flowers and trees and that we most likely will have more snow, but the rain has been nice. Did any of you happen to see the flood waters in Reno, Nevada? Fox News showed some pictures of the Truckee River which flows through the city and I was blown away. A couple of years ago my girls and I and assorted grands went to visit their...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Feb 9, 2017

    Good morning Banner County! How about that Superbowl? Quite an exciting game for most football fans I am sure. I for one can take it or leave it and usually watch it on and off. I like the commercials and the half time show, and I will say that the half time show this year was a whole lot better than the one last year. Which is my opinion and I am sure some folks would not agree, oh well. I would like to wish a ‘get well soon‘ to our friends and neighbors, Bill Nelson, Ruthie Brown and Mar...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 26, 2017

    Good morning everyone, I hope this week has treated you well. Especially these birthday people: Owen Gifford, Nathaniel McGowan, Jaxon Loutzenhiser, Aaron Harper, Marie Parker, Abbie Fulk, and Timmy & Brody Burkman. Happy Birthday! Anniversary couple of the week is Mr. & Mrs. Royce Ammon, congratulations! This reminds me that I had a chance to visit somewhat with Winnie Rogers for a little while recently. She looks really good and it had been quite awhile since I had seen her, so it was really...

  • Banner County News

    Barb Cross|Jan 19, 2017

    Good morning Banner County-ites! Hope everyone is doing well, surviving this roller coaster ride we call weather, and ready for the inauguration tomorrow. Did you happen to see the news clip about the person in some Maryland school that had posted on line the word tomorrow as tamarra? Well guess that person was fired. Thankfully I have spell check, although tomorrow is not one of my problem words I have plenty of others. The spelling bee will be coming up soon here in Harrisburg, but today...

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